This is my textual analysis for the music video of Emperor's New Clothes by Panic at the Disco. The music video for this an obscure one, for example, it begins with the ending of the music video of This is Gospel which entails Brendon Urie walking in the light, this is presumably Heaven. Emperor's New Clothes (ENC) opens with Brendon Urie continuing to walk into the light and then falling through the clouds and landing in what appears to be Hell. The shot used here is a close up which shows the hope and happiness in Brendon's eyes before the hatch is opened and he is dropped into Hell. The following screenshots show the process:
This could symbolize the death of the other band members as they had departed from the band at the time of the albums creation. Soon after, Brendon slowly rises and begins to transform into a demon which could suggest that he had no control over the events occurring.
Throughout the video, the demon transformation takes over more and more and eventually fully takes over which could suggest that Brendon has realized that he has full control of the band now and can make whatever type of music he wants. It further supports this when the gates of Hell open and Brendon does a devilish grin.
This could symbolize the death of the other band members as they had departed from the band at the time of the albums creation. Soon after, Brendon slowly rises and begins to transform into a demon which could suggest that he had no control over the events occurring.
Throughout the video, the demon transformation takes over more and more and eventually fully takes over which could suggest that Brendon has realized that he has full control of the band now and can make whatever type of music he wants. It further supports this when the gates of Hell open and Brendon does a devilish grin.
There is also a scene where there are 3 skulls which could be seen as the other band members who left the band. A long shot is used here to show Brendon's full transformation and what he has become.
Throughout the video, many types of camera shot are used,for example in the previous screen grabs, you can see close ups and wide shots to show how Brendon looks in each scene to show the transformation. It also shows the detail of the makeup used.
Here is the video:
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